Monday, March 26, 2007

Police Probe Pay-Off Allegations Against Mayor

Cindy Clyne and Mark Brennae Monday, March 26, 2007

The O.P.P is investigating allegations that before he became mayor, Larry O'Brien offered a rival candidate money and a job on the Federal Parole Board, in return for stepping down from last November's mayoralty race. O.P.P Spokeswoman Christine Ray tells CFRA the investigation was launched Monday morning. She says investigators are now heading out to do the initial interviews. Terry Kilrea dropped from the race in August. In the affidavit, he alleges O'Brien offered to pay his campaign debts and through parliamentary contacts, secure him the high-paying federal job.

The affidavit names John Reynolds as the federal contact. Reynolds has close ties to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, having co-chaired the 2006 Tory election campaign.
The Ottawa District Labour Council says it instigated the investigation, as it puts it, "to clear the air that hangs over the mayor's office".
Also Ottawa Sun. canoe Monday, 1:30 p.m. Ex-candidate Terry Kilrea alleges senior Tory, O'Brien made offer to get him out of race

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