Monday, March 26, 2007

Resort legislation strips power from local government, NDP warns

Last Updated: Monday, March 19, 2007 CBC News

Recently proposed B.C. legislation contains a hidden clause that robs local governments of the ability to make decisions about land use by resorts and instead gives that power to the province, the NDP warns. MLA Norm MacDonald, a New Democrat who represents Columbia River-Revelstoke, said the Community Services Statutes Amendment Act would allow the provincial government to create areas for mountain resort developments without approval from regional district boards.

"It appears to give the power to make decisions, taking from the regional district and put into the hands of cabinet, the power to act unilaterally," MacDonald said. He said that, for example, the law could be used to approve the $450-million Jumbo Resort proposal near Invermere in southeastern B.C. — a project that has been rejected by the East Kootenay Regional District. "It is an issue that is highly controversial in our area, and there was a clear promise by the premier that the regional district would make that decision," MacDonald said.

The bill was put forward by Government Services Minister Ida Chong, who acknowledged the final approval for the legislation could be given by cabinet. But she also said it doesn't mean there will be no more community debate over projects. "It is not to stop that from taking place, but it's also not to stop tourism development and not stop the resort potential that's there." MacDonald disagreed, saying the law would prevent local governments from making decisions on major developments in their own backyards.
Gov. B.C. Backgrounder on new legislation
Gov. B.C. News release

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