Monday, March 05, 2007

Proposal for taxation based financing of the Master Water Plan. (FULL PROPOSAL)

While the final design for Greater Vernon’s water is still under discussion, it is important to review the method of financing its infrastructure costs in an equitable and sensible way. The present system of financing by way of water user fees is unfair as discussed below.In a letter to the Editor in the Morning Star Mr. Ted Osborn, then Chairman of the North Okanagan Water Authority responding to my comments wrote the following (Sep. 6, 2002):

He (Mr. Kiss) states that we should improve the quality (of the water) and then raise the rates. That sounds great, but how does one do that?

The answer is: taxation to finance the infrastructure costs. If we were to start a new water treatment and delivery system the choice for financing would be obvious: taxation. In fact, facilities, such as the Performing Arts Centre and the Multiplex which are non essential services were financed by general taxation. Property owners pay their share of taxes based on their property values. The justification is that property values increase proportionally with new assets to the community.

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