Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Vernon Drug Sweep

by Kelly Hayes - Story: 27464March 07, 2007 / 3:23 pm Castanet

Vernon RCMP have rounded up nearly 20 suspected drug dealers and users. They say Project ‘E-Printed’ commenced back in December in response to mounting concern from businesses surrounding Cenotaph Park. "After five days of surveillance, undercover operators were deployed to make drug buys from pre-determined targets and targets of opportunity," says Corporal Henry Proce. "In total, 11 people have been charged with 12 Controlled Drugs & Substances Act and four criminal code offenses." Proce says a second undercover operation was launched in February. "This three week project code named ‘E- Parament’ involved the use of three undercover teams making a total of 25 drug purchases. Nineteen persons will face a total of 35 drug charges. To date, arrests warrants have been issued for the first five who are being rounded up today in the first sweep."

Proce says some of the suspects are well known to police. "Of interest is the fact that three persons charged during the first UCO will face arrest during this second wave of arrests as well. Of those, one male had already been found guilty and is on probation. A second was found dealing drugs inside the ‘red zone’ from which he was excluded." Proce adds there's one particular property that is of concern to the police and community. "The property surrounding and inside the Upper Room Mission on 27th Ave was of particular concern to police. This is a community problem that must be addressed immediately. In fact, all five males facing arrest today were involved in drug deals at the Upper Room Mission." Proce says police expect an immediate disruption in street level drug trafficking as a result of this enforcement initiative.

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