Friday, March 23, 2007

Water Funding Examined (Pete McIntyre)

The new water rates for Greater Vernon were given approval at Thursday's GVSC meeting. As expected, they will rise 5.5 percent to cover inflation and capital projects. The G-V-S-C continues to look at alternate ways to collect the funding for the Master Water Plan and capital projects, other than through rate hikes. Former Coldstream mayor Gyula Kiss of the Ratepayers Association made a presentation to the committee calling for it to be financed through taxation. Committee members will hold a workshop to discuss the issue next month.
(1) Proposal for Alternate Financing of Water Infrastructure • Email from Gyula Kiss, dated March 6, 2007
Moved by Firman, seconded by Dirk, THAT the email from Gyula Kiss, dated March 6, 2007, regarding Proposal for Alternate Financing of Water Infrastructure, be received;AND THAT the Greater Vernon Services Committee be advised that Council supports, in principle, the financing of water infrastructure costs by taxation.
No. REG2007-0122 CARRIED with Mayor Corner and Councillors Taylor and Williams opposed

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