Friday, March 23, 2007

Hart Responds

The Sun Fm Jon Ferebee - Standard Radio News

Former Okanagan Coquihalla MP Jim Hart has responded to the latest accusations concerning his resignation in 2000, which paved the way for Stockwell Day to be elected to a seat in the House of Commons. Standard Radio News reached Hart via e-mail from the Republic of Georgia where he now lives and works. Liberal MP Mark Holland has called on Day, who was then leader of the Canadian Alliance, to step down while the RCMP look into new documents that allege Hart was paid up to 50-thousand dollars to vacate his seat. Hart says when his resignation was accepted by the party, he was asked to provide an estimate of his financial losses, as at the time it was his desire to protect his family until he found work. He says the documents in question, are what they are and can be taken out of context or spun in any direction, adding all parties should examine their own track records on members resignations for their leaders and patronage appointments. Concluding what he says will be his final comments on the issue, Hart says seven years later, the lowest form of political debate has once again affected the security of his family.

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