Coun. Pat Cochrane is on the hot list for getting hot under the collar at city staff who leave lights on overnight. First of all, kudos to Cochrane for apparently working long hours and secondly, it’s great he brought up the issue. Staff should be more diligent about flipping the switch. Tax dollars pay for those bulbs and most people have a hard enough time paying their own light bill, let alone paying for ones carelessly left on overnight by a city worker. For walking out of the meeting early, Coun. Patrick Nicol has earned himself a hot rating. Nicol excused himself because of a conflict of interest when a development issue came up that affected a house on his street, even though he wasn’t legally required to leave. Coun. Jack Gilroy earns a hot rating this week for speaking up for the previously mentioned apartment block on 30th Avenue. By building more and more multi-family units maybe prices will become more reasonable.
Going from cold to hot this week is Coun. Buffy Baumbrough who earned her way back on to the hot list by bashing the water turbidity notification system. Constant water quality notices have led most residents to ignore the warnings and Baumbrough is correct in saying the system needs to be revamped. Because we all know what happened to the boy who cried turbidity too many times . . . Mayor Wayne Lippert has earned himself a hopeful hot rating. Lippert picked up his phone and talked to the Vernon Daily Courier earlier this week, something he doesn’t always do. Hopefully, the mayor will continue to be more phone-friendly and not just on a drizzly Easter Monday.
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