Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Airport and Land Committee openings should be filled!

I went to see the 2nd meeting of the Airport Committee yesterday afternoon. I was hoping to get the financial statements of the Airport for Dec. 31, 2006 and to see when the business proposal for Taxiway Charlie would be presented to the full Council. The financial statements would finalize the adjusted profit that would be transferred back to the City of Vernon for the 3 years that the Airport was a Corporation. My estimate is an effective $95,000 in profit and over $100,000 in Capital Reserve Fund. (Not to mention the $15,000 finally authorized by GVSC last month to be paid to Airport for the 2006 study!) Maybe the full council could use these monies to lower the Residential Tax burden on Monday's tax rate vote.

The Meeting was cancelled - No Quorum !

Both the Land Corporation and the Airport Corporation were dissolved as at Dec. 31, 2006 and replaced by Advisory Committees. Apparently at that time three of the directors of the Land Corps decided not to continue( Were they fired or did they quit? ). In late March the Council finally decided on the membership and structure of the new committees and Council Liaison were appointed to both committees. (Cunningham to Land and Beardsell to Airport).

Both Committees were intended to run with 4 members from the community, 1 council rep. (voting) and staff participation. Both committees have only 2 members left from original Corporation days and to date there has been no advertisements for volunteers to serve.

With only 2 public members available and a Quorum of 3 needed it is incumbent upon the appointed council member to either show up or arrange a replacement or postpone meeting so the Public and Media will not be inconvenienced by going to meetings that are cancelled due to a quorum call.

The better solution would be for the CITY to advertise for volunteers for these important committee positions. At the last call there were several volunteers that were turned down for the Land Corps position that may wish their application to be reviewed ? If these committees are important it is imperative that a full committee is available as soon as possible.

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