Monday, May 07, 2007

All Future Meetings with regards to a 'Community Residents Facility' (Halfway House) must be open to the Public !

Corrections Canada is considering proposals from the Salvation Army and the Okanagan Halfway House Society to establish a facility for parolees in Vernon. Corrections Canada will announce the successful bidder May 14.

In view of the above it is imperative that we examine the initial information provided by the posting below to see if this council has met their obligations to the public. The actual report from the Community Advisory Board can be found at COW AGENDA BACKUP (p.100-110) and the resolution of Council to receive that report and to look to a future report only after the Abramenko Inquiry was held before any further consideration of the matter is shown below.

It is obvious that Council has met In Camera with the Corrections Board with regards to the future of the halfway house. Why a meeting concerning the vital interests of the community was held in secret is inexplicable and all future meetings on this decision must be open public meetings.

This council has violated their own resolution not to look into this matter until after an Inquiry was held. Maybe they rescinded this resolution at some In Camera meeting or perhaps the Federal Government has misread the 2 year moratorium that was recommended as been the only condition that must be met before they alone can establish another halfway House in Vernon.

This is not so and it is imperative that the Vernon City Council stand up and insist upon full public input before this facility is reborn again. This facility should not have been allowed to go to Tender without the consent of the citizens of this community.

The City Council has had nearly 2 years to "decide how to present the idea of a Community Resident's Facility (CRF) to the public for consideration." This was one of the 24 recommendations to City Council in Oct /05. Has Council met this Recommendation ?

At Monday's COW MEETING Oct. 23/06 , Coun. Cunningham gave a heads-up to Council via a verbal report on halfway houses. She noted that Council was halfway through a 2 year moratorium that would end in Oct. of 2007 that the previous Council had agreed to before another halfway house MIGHT be permitted to operate in Vernon. (The various reports as outlined at COW AGENDA are available online at COW AGENDA BACKUP (p.100-110) She indicated that Corrections Canada were talking to possible operators of such a facility in order to have operators etc in place to man such a facility if approved in late 2007.

Council should examine the minutes of the two meetings involved last year and the promise implicit in the resolution that was passed by the Council of that day not to go forward with any such discussions of a new halfway house until the Abramenko Inquiry that was being requested was complete and any recommendations from this inquiry are incorporated into new policy re the running of such a new facility in Vernon.

Naturally the Council of today has the right to rescind (sic) this resolution in open forum and allow the discussion of a new halfway house to proceed. A resolution remains in full force and effect until revoked or changed.

Oct 11/05 Council Minutes

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