Monday, May 07, 2007


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:00 p.m. NORD HIGHLIGHTS

RDNO 2006 Financial Statements - Report from Alan Harris, Chief Financial Officer – May 1, 2007 - RDNO 2006 Financial Statements
Resolution No. 52 "That pursuant to Section 814 of the Local Government Act and Section 167 of the Community Charter, the Board accept the financial statements for the Regional District of North Okanagan for the period ended December 31, 2006, as presented."

RDNO 2006 Report of Remuneration and Expenses - Report from Alan Harris, Chief Financial Officer – May 1, 2007 – RDNO 2006 Report of Remuneration and Expenses
Resolution No. 54 "That pursuant to Section 814 of the Local Government Act and Section 168 of the , the Report of Board Remuneration and Expenses for the year Community Charter2006 for the Regional District of North Okanagan be accepted as presented."

RDNO 2006 Statement of Financial Information - Report from Alan Harris, Chief Financial Officer – May 2, 2007 - RDNO 2006 Statement of Financial Information
Resolution No. 55 "That pursuant to the Financial Information Act, the 2006 Statement of Financial Information and attached Schedules for the Regional District of North Okanagan be accepted as presented." (Unweighted Corporate Vote – Simple Majority)

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