Wednesday, May 23, 2007


REGULAR Meeting of the GREATER VERNON SERVICES COMMITTEE to be held in the Board Room of the Regional District Office at 8:00 a.m., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2007

2.1 Attached is a presentation made by Vernon City Council at their regular meeting of April 10, 2007. Council passed the following resolution: “That Council direct staff to arrange a meeting between the Vernon Public Art Galley Board, and Council to discuss details regarding a proposed new Art Gallery within the proposed Library facility.” Ms. Morrison will be present as a delegation.

  • Taxation Based Financing of Master Water Plan: 4.1 Memo from Daisy Foster, Policies & Programs Manager dated May 8, 2007.

  • Auditorium – Proposal from North Valley Gymnastics 6.2 Report from Al McNiven, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture dated May 15, 2007.

  • Request for Funding – Telus: Expert Series Convention - THAT a grant of $5,000 be approved from the GVS Special Projects and Events Leverage Fund to support the Telus: Expert Series convention being held in Vernon June 5, 2007.

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