Friday, May 25, 2007

New officer sees potential

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffMay 25 2007

Greater Vernon’s new economic development officer wants to balance lifestyle and growth opportunities. Denny Raincock took up her new duties with the Greater Vernon Services Committee Tuesday. “The area has tremendous potential,” she said, adding that while a strategic plan is needed to create jobs, the area must retain the charm it’s become known for. “We can retain what we love about the place.” The Oliver-born Raincock recently moved here from Toronto where she spent 20 years involved in economic development-related activities. She has worked for the province of Ontario, as well as the governments of Britain and New Zealand. “International contacts may or may not play a role. But what I have is a global view,” she said. Raincock expects it will take her about two months to get up to full speed, but she admits that some immediate action must be taken with marketing issues such as Greater Vernon’s Web site. “I will be treating that as an extreme priority,” she said.

One matter that must also be resolved is the actual scope of her work. While the position deals specifically with Greater Vernon now, there has been some suggestion that the economic development function be expanded to take in the entire North Okanagan Regional District.
Raincock is waiting to see what direction she gets from the politicians. “There is quite a positive attitude about that,” she said. Raincock replaces Dave Forai who stepped down as economic development manager earlier this year. While NORD officially described Forai’s departure as sick leave, some politicians have indicated that it was not medical in nature.
NORD and Forai recently reached a severance agreement.

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