Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Alternative Approval Processes (KELOWNA)

With regards to this process and since the release used Kelowna as an example of a city that used the alternate approval option I provide the following link to all the details that Kelowna offered when this method was used. (excerpt below).

Vernon has adopted a 10 signature form which is better than Kelowna and hopefully will allow form to be downloaded from website.

Once the AAP starts, the forms are available from the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall (for pick up or they can be faxed, mailed, or e-mailed to an elector). In some cases, they are also made available at other public facilities such as recreation centres, public libraries and the like, as well as available for downloading from the City’s website. The completed forms must be delivered to the City Clerk’s Office by the deadline in order to be counted. Usually there is room for five or six electors to sign one form, or each elector may sign his or her own form. Accurate copies of the Council approved forms are also acceptable, so long as they are not altered (in other words, someone may obtain one form and photocopy it if needed).

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