Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Council meeting rises hotter than usual

– Managing editor Scott Neufeld, reporter Jordan Nicurity EDITORIAL Wed. June 27

According to many council observers, Monday’s meeting was one of the more raucous in recent years. With some councillors likely still fuming the next day, it’s hard to separate the hot from the cold with so many hot-tempered politicians at the meeting.
At the top of the hot list is Coun. Buffy Baumbrough who was brimming with emotion on Monday. Baumbrough grew angry when several councillors violated a new policy to delay Official Community Plan projects. The councillors changed their minds the first time a project came along that violated the OCP. She rarely speaks at meetings so Baumbrough’s display of passion was impressive.
Sliding on to the cold list this week is Coun. Pat Cochrane who led the charge in approving the project that went against the OCP. Why approve a policy if you’re going to breach it at the first opportunity? Although Cochrane may have been correct that it’s a worthy project, the way the
issue was handled paints council in a negative light.
On the hot list is Coun. Barry Beardsell, partly for his heated outburst at council but also for his opinions on the O’Keefe Ranch grant. The ranch desperately needs provincial help and depending on an RV park for income is beneath a heritage site.
On the cold list is Coun. Jack Gilroy, who was part of the council flip-flop on the OCP. Other than that the former firefighter had little to say.
Landing on the hot list this week is Coun. Juliette Cunningham who voted against the OCP amendment on principle. Cunningham said although she thinks the proposal may be valid she voted against it because it violated the city’s new policy. The councillor also threw her support behind sending a letter of support for local hospital workers threatened by the privatization of Vernon Jubilee.
Coun. Patrick Nicol finds himself on the cold list this week for joining in on the council flip flop. One wonders if the councillors truly understood what they were doing when they voted to approve the project. Despite asking questions of the long-range planner, they went against her
recommendations anyway.
Finally, Mayor Wayne Lippert lands on the cold list for casting the deciding ballot and making the flip-flop official. Although the mayor has switched sides in the past on development issues, this was his most obvious about-face to date. It may be too much to hope but, maybe council
will try and be more consistent in the future.

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