Thursday, June 28, 2007

Amending OCP Only Requires a MAJORITY Vote

Send in the Clowns and the 'Smpathetic Developer '
In this post I had stated 'I thought I was told by staff that an OCP amendment ultimately required a 2/3 0r 3/4 majority , i.e a 5-2 vote and unless the two opposing groups changed this would become an exercise in futility for the applicant. (a Phyrric victory). HOWEVER, I scoured the community charter and the City's website and could find NO confirmation that such a super majority is actually required.'

It has been confirmed by City Hall that an OCP amendment no longer requires 2/3 majority since 2001.

Confirmation from City Hall
Section 882 of the Local Government Act was amended in 2001 to delete the
requirement for a 2/3 majority
to adopt or amend an Official Community Plan Bylaw.
It now only requires an affirmative vote of a majority of all council members.


Anonymous said...

Well what happened on the vote for development re-zoning of the campground and waterfront lot on Eastside road.

If four voted for it and three voted against wouldn't that mean that the re-zoning went through first and second reading.

Don Quixote said...

Yes first and second reading were passed by a 4-3 vote. Other postings including Send in the Clowns and the 'Smpathetic Developer ' describe this. This post was onlt to correct an misstatement in these earlier posts.

This has nor progressed to a public input session on July 12 NOT a public hearing. Whether it goes forward to public hearing will be the subject of another vote after input session I would guess.