Thursday, June 28, 2007

Short-List For Expansion Kelowna General Hospital and Vernon Jubilee Hospital

The provincial government has short-listed three teams to participate in the Request for Proposal phase of the competition to design, build, finance and maintain the expansion of Kelowna General Hospital and Vernon Jubilee Hospital . Three proponent teams responded to the Request for Qualifications that closed on June 4. Following evaluation of the responses received, all three teams were short-listed. They are:

  • Infusion Health
  • Okanagan Health Solutions
  • Plenary Health
The short-listed respondents will be invited to respond to the RFP. The RFP stage will result in the selection of a preferred proponent to undertake hospital expansions in Kelowna and Vernon. Construction is expected to begin in 2008, after tendering is completed and costs are finalized, with completion targeted for 2010. All health services will be funded by the Province of B.C. through Interior Health, in keeping with the Canada Health Act.

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