Friday, June 08, 2007

Arts and Cultural Meeting Delayed .(Pete McIntyre)

A meeting to discuss Greater Vernon's master plan for arts and cultural facilities, never got off the ground. The Greater Vernon Services Committee invited local arts groups and the media to yesterday's meeting. However , chairman Gary Corner says it ended 15 minutes later after a majority of directors voted to wait until a service review is completed. 'Its a little disappointing, I don't think that we as a committee can't sit down and kick these things around and get some sort of direction so that after the service review is done we have a pretty good idea of which direction we're going.' Rural directors Cliff Kanester and Stan Field, were concerned several recommendations in the master plan would expand the scope of the service, which they would not support.
Don Quixote Note: The Agenda was suppose to discuss the Proposed Arts & Culture Master Plan from Oct 2, 2006 and go In-Camera at close of meeting. The Gang who can't shoot straight started off with an In-Camera meeting which doubled as a free lunch served at taxpayer's expense from 12 to 1 and then a 15 minute farce of a meeting that must of left the public and media shaking their heads. But don't feel it was a waste of time, all the members assembled got their $103 meeting stipend and travel expenses.

SPECIAL meeting of the GREATER VERNON SERVICES COMMITTEE to be held in the Board Room of the Regional District Office at 12:00 p.m., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2007

Special Meetings of the Greater Vernon Services Committee are held at the call of the Greater Vernon Services Committee Chair and deal with business of an urgent nature that can not wait for the Regular meeting.


Anonymous said...

Good job, where do I sign up? lol

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of idiots. Obviously we need a new chairperson-those with small man syndrom do not seem to have any leadership abilities and we should ask for repayment from all of them that voted against proceeding to at least discuss the taxpayers concerns and visions for the community. Good for you in exposing this-where is the media?