Friday, June 08, 2007

Someone at City Hall reads my Blog?

City Of Vernon

To correct spelling error Zeroscape should be replaced with “Xeriscape” END OF ADDENDUM NO. #1
Maybe this was in response to my posting of June 5 or maybe Zeroscape the band objected directly.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) (Zeroscape McMechan Tank Bay)
It's Xeriscape, Not Zeroscape Xeriscape is a complicated sounding word for a very wise and simple concept. In a nutshell, xeriscaping is water-efficient landscaping that's appropriate to the natural environment. The word xeriscape is derived from the Greek word xeros, which means dry. The goal of xeriscaping is to create a visually attractive landscape that uses plants selected for their water efficiency. Xeriscapes can save a tremendous amount of water. An established, properly maintained xeriscape needs about one-third the water of a traditional turf-based landscape. Some xeric plants require almost no supplemental watering once they are established. An established xeriscape also requires less maintenance than a traditional landscape. Zeroscape is a band from Toronto !

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