Tuesday, June 05, 2007

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) (Zeroscape McMechan Tank Bay)


The City is interested in receiving proposals for landscaping services at McMechan Tank Bay. The City is not necessarily interested in obtaining the lowest price for these services. The quality of the service, the timeliness of the service and other factors will be taken into consideration in the evaluation of this RFP. Proposals with the words "Zeroscape McMechan Tank Bay" marked on the envelope will be received at the office of the Purchasing Agent, 1900 – 48th Avenue, Vernon, B.C. V1T 8Y7, up to and including 2:00 pm local time on Thursday, June 14, 2007, for the following:

To provide a design and provide labour, materials and equipment required to Zeroscape the McMechan Tank Bay.

The main goal of the project is to create an esthetically appealing landscape for the surrounding neighbourhood. Currently the site is over run with a mixture of weeds and a variety of vegetation. The intent is to prepare the site appropriately, provide low maintenance landscape (zeroscape) with rocks and boulders. Any and all existing trees, shrubs and plants are to be left as is and utilized within the design plan.

Don Quixote Note:
When Coun. Beardsell complained about this at the Last Council meeting I bet he didn't expect this quick action. Hopefully he will also keep on bitching to the Province about the entrance to our City and the unsightly mess there. If the City and GVSC respond this quickly it is only a matter of time until he wears down our local MLA. (When Pigs Fly!)
It's Xeriscape, Not Zeroscape Xeriscape is a complicated sounding word for a very wise and simple concept. In a nutshell, xeriscaping is water-efficient landscaping that's appropriate to the natural environment. The word xeriscape is derived from the Greek word xeros, which means dry. The goal of xeriscaping is to create a visually attractive landscape that uses plants selected for their water efficiency. Xeriscapes can save a tremendous amount of water. An established, properly maintained xeriscape needs about one-third the water of a traditional turf-based landscape. Some xeric plants require almost no supplemental watering once they are established. An established xeriscape also requires less maintenance than a traditional landscape. Zeroscape is a band from Toronto !

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