Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More Corrections Canada Info (2007)


Correctional Service Canada

  • Currently, there are approximately 12,700 federally incarcerated offenders.
  • 65% of offenders classified as medium security;
  • 20% as minimum; and
  • 15% as maximum.
  • 6,800 offenders on conditional release in the community are actively supervised by federal parole officers.
  • Approximately 36% of federal offenders will be convicted of a new crime within two years of completing their sentence, the majority receiving some type of provincial sentence.
  • Approximately 11% of federal offenders return to federal custody within two years of sentence completion, of which 5% are for new violent convictions.


  • The 2005/06 annual average cost to maintain a federal offender in an institution was $88,067.
  • The 2005/06 annual average cost to maintain a federal offender in the community was $23,105.
  • The 2005/06 annual average cost to maintain a federal offender in maximum security was $113,645.
  • The 2005/06 annual average cost to maintain a female offender in federal custody was $170,684.
  • CSC’s estimated budget for 2007-08 is $1.87 billion.


  • CSC manages 58 institutions across Canada:
  • eight maximum security
  • 12 multi-level security
  • 18 medium security
  • 20 minimum security
  • In addition, there are 16 community correctional centres, 71 parole offices, 200 community residential facilities and eight healing lodges.


  • CSC employs approximately 14,500 staff:
  • 41% are correctional officers;
  • 13% are parole and program officers in institutions and the community;
  • the remainder represents positions required to operate institutions and community offices, e.g. health professionals, food services staff, and corporate and administrative functions at the local, regional and national levels.

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