Saturday, June 02, 2007

City indicates Timing of Alternate Approval Process for Library & Civic Building
Question 8: a)
What is the anticipated process to complete the project in terms of approvals, financing, and construction procurement?

Response 8 a): Within the next couple of months the City will proceed with a borrowing bylaw by way of alternate approval process to be concluded by end of August.

Community Charter applicable Sections re alternative approval process

86 (1) Approval of the electors by alternative approval process under this section is obtained if
(a) notice of the approval process is published in accordance with subsection (2),
(b) through elector response forms established under subsection (3), electors are provided with an opportunity to indicate that council may not proceed with the bylaw, agreement or other matter unless it is approved by assent of the electors, and
(c) at the end of the time for receiving elector responses, as established under subsection (3), the number of elector responses received is less than 10% of the number of electors of the area to which the approval process applies.

(2) Notice of an alternative approval process must be published in accordance with section 94 [public notice] and must include the following:
(a) a general description of the proposed bylaw, agreement or other matter to which the approval process relates;
(b) a description of the area to which the approval process applies;
(c) the deadline for elector responses in relation to the approval process;
(d) a statement that the council may proceed with the matter unless, by the deadline, at least 10% of the electors of the area indicate that the council must obtain the assent of the electors before proceeding;
(e) a statement that
(i) elector responses must be given in the form established by the council,
(ii) elector response forms are available at the municipal hall, and
(iii) the only persons entitled to sign the forms are the electors of the area to which the approval process applies;
(f) the number of elector responses required to prevent the council from proceeding without the assent of the electors, determined in accordance with subsection (3);
(g) other information required by regulation to be included.

(3) For each alternative approval process, the council must
(a) establish the deadline for receiving elector responses, which must be at least 30 days after the second publication of the notice under subsection (2),
(b) establish elector response forms, which
(i) may be designed to allow for only a single elector response on each form or for multiple elector responses, and
(ii) must be available to the public at the municipal hall from the time of first publication until the deadline, and
(c) make a fair determination of the total number of electors of the area to which the approval process applies.

(4) The council must make available to the public, on request, a report respecting the basis on which the determination under subsection (3) (c) was made.

Requirements for public notice
94 (1) If this section applies, the applicable notice must be

(a) must be in a newspaper that is distributed at least weekly
b) unless otherwise provided, must be once each week for 2 consecutive weeks.

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