Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Will Vernon make the June 30 deadline by publishing Annual municipal report by June 15 ??

Annual Municipal Meeting
Part 4 Division 5 of the Community Charter requires council to consider the annual municipal report at an annual meeting. At the annual meeting, council must consider submissions and questions from the public.

What is required
Each year, after the annual municipal report has been prepared and released for public inspection, council must consider the report at a public meeting. The meeting may be part of a regular council meeting, a special council meeting or another public meeting. The meeting must occur at least 14 days after the annual report is released for public inspection but before June 30, and council must give notice of the date, time and place of the meeting in accordance with section 94.

The 2005 Annual Report can be found at http://www.vernon.ca/services/finance/documents/2005_financial_statements.pdf

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