Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Amendments to Parks DCC Bylaw at GVSC Tomorrow. (Proposed DCC Rates to go up by 28% or 32% ?)

REGULAR Meeting of the GREATER VERNON SERVICES COMMITTEE to be held in the Board Room of the Regional District Office at 8:00 a.m., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 2007
6.1 Report from Al McNiven, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Daisy Foster, Policies & Programs Manager dated July 9, 2007. Recommendation:

1. That the following amendments to the Regional District Bylaw 2040, cited as “Greater Vernon Parks and Recreation District Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 2040, 2005” be approved in principle:
(a) Section 2 – Definitions: The definition of a “Dwelling Unit” be amended to add: “This definition shall include tourist commercial accommodation units where the individual stays are required to be seven (7) or more days.”
(b) Schedule “ A” be amended to:
i. Add: “Item 6: “Building Permit – Tourist Commercial (Sec. 3.2 of Bylaw 2040) The Developer shall pay to the District, Development Cost Charges calculated by multiplying the sum of $3,644 by the total number of dwelling units that will be permitted to be constructed under the building permit upon issue thereof.”
ii. Change the DCC rate in Items 1, 2, 3 & 5 of Schedule “A” from $2,844 per unit to $3,644/unit.
iii. Change the DCC rate in Item 4 of Schedule “A” from $4,264 to $5633 per unit.

2. That staff be directed to undertake a consultation process in accordance with the process outlined in the “Public Consultation” section of this report and report back to the GVSC.

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