Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Coldstream Council to have special meeting to give an opportunity for local input

Contributed July 23 by Loyal Blogreader:
Coldstream chambers were full. Most locals opposed the request to send the proposal to the Land Commission. A lot of special interest groups, mostly non-Coldstreamers were supportive.
Result: Council will have a special meeting to give an opportunity for local input.
Unless cost figures are attached it will be useless. You saw the plans , that would cost mega millions together with the land cost. Why would the city not make full use of the Marshall property? That's where they should expand. Do we need world class facilities for our children's sport needs? What benefit to Coldstream? We have no businesses (85% of our tax base is residential), we would get no taxes from the facility, we would have to provide services and most of us would not even use it. I did not even mention that it is a class 1 agricultural land that provides four cuts of hay, or it could grow corn or other valuable crops. In the advent of bio fuel production, agricultural land will become increasingly important.
Don Quixote Note:
I agree with this reader's point of view that Coldstream citizens should have an input into the use of Class 1 agricultural Land and the cost and the potential benifits should be thoroughly explained. This sports complex falls into things we 'want' rather than things we 'need' and as such should have full taxpayers participation into the decision.
Only if the Citizens of Coldstream and the Coldstream Council decide that they support the release of this land from the Agricultural Land Reserve should the rest of GVSC taxpayers have further input as to costs and future taxes. I would assume that taxpayer money from the referendum to increase Parkland borrowing a few years ago would be used to buy the land for the citizens of GVSV.
Our city does need such a complex for kids of this area and it will be up to Coldstream Council to decide if this could be the location.

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