Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Council Still Wants a Hold on Halfway House

(Pete McIntyre) http://www.1075kiss.com/news/headlines/

Vernon council has once again told Corrections Canada to wait, before proceeding with plans for a new halfway house for paroled criminals. Corrections officials updated the plan to the city yesterday, and confirmed the Okanagan HalfwayHouse Society was the successful bidder. Councillors Nicol, Cunningham and Beardsell all felt the plan should be put on hold until a detailed report into the Bill Abramenko killing in 2004, is released.

Lisa Bayne from Corrections says they will take the city's input into consideration, but they still want to proceed to the next step which is public consultation. 'Well at this point we're not asking to build a halfway house tomorrow what we're asking for is the ability to talk to the public. To communicate what we plan to do, why we want to do it.' Bayne says these types of offenders are already living in the community, and a new facility will make the city safer by providing structure and closer monitoring.

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