Sunday, July 15, 2007

Opinions widespread on Landing development

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jul 15 2007

A proposed residential development is making waves in an Okanagan Landing neighbourhood. Opinions were mixed as the public provided input to city hall Thursday about plans for a 100-unit project on the old Paraiso Point campground property on Eastside Road. “It’s well-planned and fits into the landscape quite well,” said Peter Alexander. Another resident, who wouldn’t given her name, believes the project will benefit the existing neighbourhood more than the former campground did. “We support it as long as they stick to their plans,” she said. Most neighbours apparently don’t take issue with changes on the Paraiso site, but there is concern about a lakeside clubhouse in an existing home on Whitepoint Road, which is on the other side of Eastside Road. “It could be a total disaster for everyone. Where will everyone park?” said John Ferguson. Richard Frontain is also concerned the clubhouse will lead to noise, and the city won’t enforce its bylaws. “It starts with one, but what stops developers from buying more land with clubhouses, marinas and boats,” he said. Frontain also points out that Eastside Road is extremely busy. “It (property) is at the crest of a blind hill so where will people cross to get to the clubhouse?” Ron Mohr has mixed views about the proposal. “I like the project and the lakeside approach but there’s no parking. It has to be done in a way that’s appropriate,” he said.

Craig Stowe, the developer, defends his proposal. “We polled the community and asked what would fit. They want residential and we’re responding to what the neighbourhood wanted,” he said. In terms of the clubhouse and marina on Whitepoint Road, Stowe believes it makes sense. “A shared amenity on the waterfront rings true for a lot of people,” he said. Paul Fenske, a consultant, added that the clubhouse will be similar to existing facilities in Greater Vernon. “It’s like the old, traditional 1920s resort with small places (housing units) and a common places where they can meet. We are trying to reclaim the lake for people.” The developer is seeking official community plan amendments from the city so the project can proceed. A decision has not been made.

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