Thursday, August 16, 2007

6,000 names on library petition

By DARREN HANDSCHUH Thursday August 16, 2007

The people of Vernon didn‘t just say they disapprove, they screamed it. More than 6,000 names were collected by the Vernon and District Taxpayers Association in a counter petition to city plans of borrowing $20 million for a library-civic complex. The counter petition needed 2,777 names to succeed. When city officials announced earlier this year they would borrow the money without a referendum or public input, a group of local citizens were outraged. At eye of the protest was Tony Stamboulieh and a month-long counter petition process was launched. Standing on the steps of city hall Wednesday, Stamboulieh took a moment to blast Mayor Wayne Lippert and council for what he called “a rule of dictatorship.” Stamboulieh said the number of signatures sent a clear message that civic politicians “do not represent special interest. The days of special interest are over. “We are here to teach him and his cohorts a lesson in civic life – we run the show.”

Lippert, who was not present when Stamboulieh presented the city with the petition, said in a phone interview democracy is alive and well in Vernon as was proven by the counter petition process. Lippert said all of the names must now be verified as being eligible voters. Council agreed Monday scrutineers will not be present when the clerk and assistant clerk check the names. Lippert cited privacy concerns, but Stamboulieh said there were no legal grounds for not allowing scrutineers, adding the group had photo copies of everything it presented to the city and if there were any discrepancies with the city, “there will be a legal process.”

The only civic leader to attend the presentation was Coun. Barry Beardsell who said council should not even bother to challenge any of the names on the petition. “It’s so far in excess of what was needed, acknowledge defeat and do what the people want,” said Beardsell. He said checking every name on the list, which Lippert said could take up to two weeks, was a waste of time. “That’s how stupid they are being,” said Beardsell who went on to blast his fellow politicians. “It is amazing they are so out of touch with the people. As recently as Monday they didn’t think the counter petition will succeed.” Beardsell said he expected some 5,000 names to be collected and was not surprised at the results.

Despite the counter petition results, Lippert said the mega-project is far from dead. The first-term mayor said the issue will go back to council where a number of options will be explored. He said the city could dip into its reserve funds – something Beardsell said he opposes – it could sell off some assets to fund the project or a referendum could be held to see if the people support borrowing the money. Stamboulieh has said it is not the project he opposes, bit the process
council used.

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