Monday, August 13, 2007

Alternate Approval Petition Wraps Up (Pete McIntyre)

The city's month long alternate approval process comes to an end this Wednesday, but residents should not expect a quick outcome. The petition will determine if 20 million dollars can be borrowed, over 25 years, for the library complex. Mayor Wayne Lippert says it could take up to two weeks for city staff to verify the names on the list. 'Anyone who signs the petition and puts down their address, all those names need to be entered into"our data base to make sure they are eligible to sign the petition, that they don't live outside the boundaries of the city of Vernon to verify it hasn't been signed twice.' Lippert isn't willing to make a prediction on the outcome but he expects it will be close. The petition will fail if 10 percent ---or 27-hundred and 77--- city electors signed the document. The Vernon Taxpayers Association has been collecting names, but hasn't released any numbers other than to call the early response overwhelming.

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