Monday, August 13, 2007

Scrutineer to be present for counter petition count ?

In today's Courier, Betty Selin, regional news director for 105.7 Sun Fm wrote in her column:

"At today's meeting, Vernon councilors will decide if they will allow a scrutineer to be present when the names on the counter petition regarding borrowing $20 milllion for a library-civic complex are counted. I asked Marg Baily, who has been with the city forever, if they got a legal opinion - and they did. Bailey says there are issues surrounding privacy and it looks like the councillors will have the final say.

I can't even begin to guess which way this might go, but you only have until Wednesday at 4:30 to get your name on the list. It could take a couple of days to count because every signature has to be verified to make sure it is eligible. (live or own in the city)."

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