Friday, August 03, 2007

Valley-wide structure not popular

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 03 2007

The concept of a single, valley-wide governance structure is generating considerable apprehension among Vernon politicians. Many Vernon council members are less than enthusiastic about a proposal from the District of Peachland that a unified regional governance structure be formed for the entire Okanagan. “This is just astounding,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. In a letter to Community Services Minister Ida Chong, Peachland Mayor Graham Reid makes the case for a new model to replace the current three regional districts. “The opportunity is to change the regional governance structure in the Okanagan basin to one that will support basin-wide initiatives more effectively,” states Reid. But Vernon Coun. Juliette Cunningham believes such a geographically large structure could be difficult to manage. “We have challenges with a small one (regional district) now. Could you imagine with a big one?” she said.

Cunningham supports valley-wide co-operation on issues such as transit, but not a single governance structure. Coun. Patrick Nicol points out that the Kelowna area has a significantly larger population than other parts of the valley. “The Central Okanagan Regional District has traditionally wheeled substantial power and they won’t want to let that go,” he said. It’s anticipated Vernon council will have more discussions about the matter. “We need to be clear as to where we stand as a council,” said Coun. Buffy Baumbrough. “We have to be aware of the discussions going on. We have to express our opinion at every opportunity,” added Cunningham. In his letter to Chong, Reid states the Okanagan has seen unprecedented growth and that has placed pressure on infrastructure. “Water quantity and quality, transportation and public transit, air quality, wastewater treatment and the mountain pine beetle infestation all come to mind,” he said. “Often, the optimum solution to these challenges is valley-wide in scope.”

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