Friday, August 03, 2007

Interest increases in municipality plan

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 03 2007

There appears to be growing interest in Greater Vernon’s two electoral areas going on their own. The prospect of a district municipality for the North Okanagan’s five electoral areas was on the menu as directors Cliff Kanester and Stan Field attended a BX Community Association potluck dinner Sunday. Kanester says there was considerable interest in the concept.“Everyone agreed we should get the heck away from the City of Vernon,” said Kanester. Kanester claims the idea of forming a municipality in BX/Swan Lake is attractive because of the concern the city will annex the areas and that will impact their rural nature. “They have 6,000 acres already so why not look after that instead of going into the rural area?” he said. Beyond a municipality for the BX, a governance study could also look at all five electoral areas coming together or parts of them joining adjacent municipalities.

It’s not known when a study will take place. “A number of people are interested in finding out more about it,” said Sandy Budgen, BX Community Association president. “Most of us don’t understand what it all involves.” Kanester and Field have also distributed a brochure to residents about a proposal to shift how parks and recreation in Greater Vernon operates. “We are trying to be upfront with everybody,” said Field. Instead of the current Greater Vernon Services Committee, Field and Kanester suggest each of the four local jurisdictions become responsible for their own facilities. The electoral areas would still contribute to outstanding debt on facilities, and potentially provide operating costs. Within the next couple of months, a survey will be sent to BX/Swan Lake residents seeking their thoughts on parks and recreation and a district municipality. “We have to listen to the electorate. They are the ones who foot the bill and pay the taxes,” said Field. Vernon and Coldstream are on record as supporting the existing parks and recreation function. “It’s not perfect, but when we look at what we have constructed together, it’s a model that can work,” said Patrick Nicol, a Vernon councillor
Aug 03 2007 EDITORIAL

There is value to the process that electoral area directors Cliff Kanester and Stan Field have launched, but it would be nice if they ended the personal attacks on Vernon. Traditionally some of the city’s actions towards the BX/Swan Lake areas have been questionable, including annexations and interfering in internal matters. But Field and Kanester need to realize that their areas and Vernon are neighbours and there are common social and economic links between their residents. So it’s not helpful when Kanester says, “Everyone agreed we should get the heck away from the City of Vernon.” If residents of the BX and Swan Lake want to have a legitimate debate about future governance, including possibly forming a municipality on their own, great. That is their right and perhaps it will be a better way of providing services to them.
And if Kanester and Field want to propose changes to the existing parks and recreation function, that is also their right as elected officials within Greater Vernon. But they have to accept the fact that such a move may not go over well with Vernon and Coldstream or even their own residents. And because four jurisdictions have co-operated with parks and recreation for 30 years, any proposed changes need to occur through reasonable debate and not rhetoric. Unfortunately, recent comments from Kanester and Field may only inflame the situation and make it difficult for discussions with Coldstream and Vernon to occur. Field says he and Kanester are trying to be upfront with everybody and that is appreciated. But just keep the harsh words to yourself.

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