Friday, August 03, 2007

Downtown seeks security of safety patrols

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 03 2007

Demands are being placed on the City of Vernon to keep private security guards walking downtown streets. The Downtown Vernon Association will be before council Aug. 13 asking that $30,000 be provided so the Commissionaires can continue patrols until the end of the year. “There is a role for council to play and we will give them an opportunity to participate,” said Earl Hansen, DVA executive director. A similar request was made in May but the issue was tabled so council could get more information on what safety measures are in place downtown. Through the DVA and community donations, there is funding for the Commissionaires until Aug. 31. While worthwhile, Hansen says the DVA can no longer afford to fund the initiative and the city must get involved. “The program has served a useful purpose,” he said of addressing safety concerns among residents and merchants.

“Downtown has had a more inviting and secure atmosphere. Along with the Commissionaires, the RCMP have done an outstanding job and the bylaw enforcement officers have played a key role.” Some taxpayers may question funding private security for downtown when the city is already paying for police officers and bylaw enforcement, but Hansen disagrees. “Downtown is the heart of the community. It’s an engine of the economy and having a safe and secure downtown creates an economic environment. It reflects well on the entire community,” said Hansen. Coun. Pat Cochrane isn’t prepared to support funding the Commissionaires until he knows what came out of a meeting between the DVA, the RCMP and the city. “I don’t believe they discussed who is doing what and at what times,” he said. Cochrane believes all enforcement and security procedures should be spread throughout the day and not just concentrated on daytime hours. “If there are gaps in service, the Commissionaires can play a role but we must determine who is doing what,” he said.

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