Monday, August 27, 2007

City of Vernon's Financial Statements coming online shortly? (And detailed Variance report?) (And Annual Report ?)

City of Vernon's Financial Statements for 2006 Coming Shortly !
Originally posted Aug 21

I went to the Audit Committee meeting last Thursday. The Auditors presented their full report to the committee and the delay and the responses to the delay were presented by the Auditors and the Financial Administrator respectively.

The 2006 Financial Statements will finally be presented to the City Council at the next meeting and will be available to the public shortly thereafter. The variance report that details the budget variances will be given to the councillors at the next meeting. I have been assured that it will be similar to the 2005 report in content so individual detailed analysis will be possible. (2005 Year End Detailed Variance Analysis - 1.13MB ) and it will be posted on the City's website. Also the 2007-2011 5 year financial Plan is to be posted to the website shortly so the list starting from 2004 will be updated.

The Annual report and public input meeting which was required to be complete by June 30 will follow 2 weeks or more after the report is made available. This report will present the financial statements, a summary of 2005 and 2006 objectives and results, a 2007 objectives section, statement of remuneration and expenses for both Politicians and staff in excess of $75,000, suppliers accounts greater than $25,000, permissive tax exemptions etc.

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