Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Library debate raises more questions than answers

By Natalie Bank Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If there's anything on solid ground about potential plans to build a new library/ civic complex in Vernon, it's that everything is up in the air, including city councillors' opinions. At their regular meeting Monday the issue was up for discussion again but rather than conclusions, only questions were raised. Councillors asked about everything from a possible referendum to its location, which could include expansion on the library's existing building or moving to the former Coldstream Hotel site. "There's still a lot of questions that need answers," said Coun. Buffy Baumbrough After nearly 6,000 people signed a petition countering and halting the city's alternate approval process to borrow $20 million for the complex's construction, council's next steps are on unsteady ground.

One possible direction is a referendum, which was suggested by various councillors to be held in 90 days, after Christmas or in the next municipal election. The referendum's topic, either where the complex should be built or whether a complex should be built at all, was also up for debate. "In this referendum we need to ask if people actually support building the project," said Coun. Pat Cochrane, who was in favour of holding a referendum in the next election. Councillors also had differing views on if the complex should contain other components, such as an art gallery or a museum. Coun. Juliette Cunningham said she believes in the project, but knows council can't get there without a single vision. "I do believe before we can move forward, we need a clear plan."

Another issue that could contribute to progress on the complex is the support of Coldstream and Greater Vernon Services, which has not yet been sought. Perhaps the ones who can suggest where to go from here aren't on city council. Coun. Jack Gilroy said the public needs to guide council in its decisions. "Let's let the taxpayers tells us what's right and what's wrong," he said. Coun. Barry Beardsell said certain issues regarding the library's needs, such as more workspace for staff and increased service hours are things that can be changed easily at little cost, but when it comes to construction, he wants council at square one. "I think we need to stop trying to rush this and do it properly." Council agreed to meet again to come up with a clearer plan before the library's board meeting in the third week of September.

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