Sunday, August 19, 2007

Goals for governance review on track

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Aug 19 2007
A group wanting to review North Okanagan governance remains active although some goals have fallen by the wayside. The Society for the Future Governance of the North Okanagan was launched a year ago in an attempt to see if governance of the region can be structured differently. “There are some things we are working on in the background. We are doing some position papers,” said Jack Borden, a committee member. Initially, the society had hoped to raise $100,000 so a consultant could be hired, but the services of a consultant have not been contracted and the full funding is not in place. “We’ve raised thousands of dollars. We have not met our $100,000 goal. We are probably 30 to 40 per cent of the way there,” said Borden.
The society also anticipated attracting 1,000 members but Borden can’t say how many have signed up at this time. While all members were asked to contribute $100 each, that has now shifted to $100 for individuals and by donation for corporations.

Borden and fellow member Pat Lett are pursuing the position papers and they could be released to local government within the next month. Currently, the North Okanagan consists of the North Okanagan Regional District board, five electoral areas, six municipalities and various sub-committees. “We believe there is still a need for an independent look (at governance),” said Borden. And while the society’s activities haven’t gone according to plan, Borden believes it can take credit for the North Okanagan’s five electoral areas looking at how they are governed.
“Some sections of local government think there should be a study. Maybe we planted that seed with them,” he said.

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