Friday, August 10, 2007



What is a Development Cost Charge? Development Cost Charges are charges levied by municipalities and regional districts on new development to assist in financing the cost of upgrading or providing infrastructure services or acquiring and developing parkland needed to support new development. At this time the GVS is proposing revised parkland DCCs for the Greater Vernon Parks and Recreation District Designation Area 1.

  • What are proposed DCC rate options? The proposed DCC rates are shown below.
    Land Use Proposed Parks DCC
    Single Family Residential (per parcel) $3,644
  • Multi Family Residential (per unit) $3,644
  • Strata (per unit) $5,633 Congregate Care/ Rest Home (per bed)
  • $3,644 Tourist Commercial (per unit) $3,644

When would the new DCCs apply?

Staff will report to the GVS Committee on the comments and suggestions received from the public. The Committee and the RDNO will review the proposed DCC rates and comments provided by the community and confirm if they support the changes to the existing DCC bylaw. The Regional District of North Okanagan will then give the DCC Bylaw the necessary three readings prior to submitting the DCC Bylaw to the Provincial Government for approval. It is anticipated this approval will occur in the fall. The Bylaw must receive fourth and final approval by RDNO before the DCC Bylaw is applied. Once finalized, the new rates will apply immediately except for DCCs on subdivisions currently in process. These subdivisions will have one year in which to be finalized before the new rates apply. Possible options for a grace period for in-stream multi-family, tourist commercial and congregate care building permit applications will be considered by the Board prior to the adoption of the new DCC bylaw.

For more information, call Al McNiven, GVS Director of Parks and Recreation at 550-3664 or Daisy Foster – GVS , Policies and Programs Manager, at (250) 550-3659. Please return your comments to the GVS office at 3rd Floor 3105 33rd Street, Vernon, BC, VlT 9P7 or fax to the GVS at (250) 550-3703 by August 24, 2007.

Related Posting at:Amendments to Parks DCC Bylaw at GVSC Tomorrow. (Proposed DCC Rates to go up by 28% or 32% ?)

ii. Change the DCC rate in Items 1, 2, 3 & 5 of Schedule “A” from $2,844 per unit to $3,644/unit.

iii. Change the DCC rate in Item 4 of Schedule “A” from $4,264 to $5633 per unit.

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