Sunday, August 05, 2007

NORD Municipal Directors to vote on a $4500 raise ?

On Wednesday Aug 8 the board will receive a recommendation from the finance committee that the base salary for the eight municipal directors climb from $1,495 a year to $6,000. This will cost the taxpayers $36,040 per year. (4505 x 8).

Unfortunately the City of Vernon has not produced their audited financial statements that were due in May or their Annual Report that was due by June 30 so we can not show the salaries and expenses incurred in fulfilling their City of Vernon Obligations for 2006 YET !

The City of Coldstream Salaries can be found at: Coldstream 2006 Annual Report
and the 2006 NORD POLITICAL Salaries are at: Nord Political Remuneration 2006

The City of Vernon has accepted a Citizen's committee's recomendation that Political Salaries should be voted on in 2008 towards the end of the Council's mandate and any adjustments, upwards or downwards, should take effect for the new incoming Council.

Director D. Wejr (Chair) City of Enderby
Director P. Nicol (Vice-Chair) City of Vernon
Director L. Bissell Township of Spallumcheen
Director G. Corner District of Coldstream
Director R. Fairbairn Electoral Area ‘D’
Director E. Foster Village of Lumby
FEBRUARY 20, 2007
Moved by Director Fairbairn Seconded by Director Bissell
“That the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to the Regional Board that Regional Board Remuneration and Expense Bylaw No. 1947, 2004 be amended to specifically include the following changes: all Regional Board Directors shall receive a base indemnity of $6,000 per annum paid monthly, effective March 1, 2007; (CARRIED)

The matter of remuneration first went before the NORD board in March. At the time, all board members agreed that everyone should receive the same base pay. It was up to the finance committee to determine what the level would be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why should not deserve the raise? They are doing such a marvelous job such as the water, the service reviews and they are soooo good at spending our money.