Friday, August 10, 2007

Shuswap Development Pause

by Malcolm Petch - August 10, 2007 Castanet

Commercial waterfront development is on hold in the Shuswap for the time being. The BC ministry of Agriculture and Lands has implemented a temporary delay on foreshore development on both Shuswap and Mara Lakes while a group of organizations work through a Shuswap Basin Integrated Planning Process. “Shuswap Lake is home to 30 species of fish, including four of five pacific salmon species native to BC,” says Liz Bicknell, Communications Director for the Ministry. The area is also integral to the famous Adams River salmon runs, which provide valuable commercial, sport, and First Nations fishing as well as significant tourism benefits to the region. The Province will not be accepting new or amended applications for commerical docks, commercial marinas, or strata moorage on the two lakes until sometime next year, although private moorage tenure applications are still being accepted. The planning process involves the province of BC and other stakeholders such as the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Fraser Basin Council, the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and the Thompson-Nicola Regional District. The groups are focused on developing a sustainable approach to development in the area. Bicknell says applications that have already been submitted will continue to be worked on, but will not receive decisions until after the results of the planning process are available and can be incorporated into the projects. The planning process is expected to be completed in the summer of 2008.

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