Monday, September 17, 2007


(Pete McIntyre) 107.5 KISS FM

NORD Selects New Multiplex Manager
The new manager of the Vernon Multiplex has been chosen. Brian Fry was one of 16 applicants for the job. He'll start his duties on October 1-st, working for the new operator which is the regional district. Facilities manager Jim Baily will fill the role for the next couple weeks. Fry most recently worked for the city of Calgary, and before that managed the Northwest Sports
Complex in the Alberta city.

Funtastic Looks to New Fields for Event Security

The president of Funtastic hopes local politicians will get to work right away finding potential new sites for sports fields.Rick Dubois says there's a number of factors that have to be considered. 'You've got to know the GVSC has done their homework and they've checked and they've looked and they've tried to find other sites that are suitable. You have to look at several different things, you have to look at topography, you have to know if the land is going to be feasible for water as well as a location in the community and stuff like that. Dubois says any land that's large enough will be farm land which could create the same issues as in Coldstream.
The Outdoor Sports User Group is targeting land north of Kin Race Track as the next possible site.

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