Monday, September 17, 2007

For those of you attending the Library Meeting Wednesday: A Brief History of the VERNON Library proposal as seen through the ORL minutes.

Regular Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 10:00 a.m.
Kelowna Branch Library, 1380 Ellis Street, Kelowna
AGENDA Highlights

Len Novakowski will be acting Chair in Carol Williams’ absence. Introduction of Guests.
5. Building Updates
5.1 Vernon Branch
5.2 Summerland Branch
5.3 Ad Hoc Headquarters Building Replacement Committee
5.3.1 Report from D. Nettleton (Attached)
5.3.2 Presentation of Conceptual Drawings by Hans Neumann,
Past Minutes: (Newest to oldest)
Minutes, Regular Library Board Meeting – May 16, 2007
7.1. Vernon Branch
Mr. Nettleton reported that Library and Vernon staff have had several meetings, and things are progressing well. Councillor Patrick Nicol thanked the Vernon Deputy Administrator Marg Bailey, Vernon Administrator Leon Gous, ORL Executive Director Lesley Dieno, and ORL Financial Manager Don Nettleton for their work on this project.

Regular Minutes, AGM, Library Board – February 21, 2007

6.1. Presentation of Report from MQN Architects – Bob McDonell and Edmund Lee Bob McDonell and Edmund Lee were introduced to the Board. They gave a PowerPoint presentation on their report in support of the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund grant submission for the proposed Vernon Library and Municipal Offices. The report outlined the preliminary site, cost, and land use issues for the proposed building project to house the Vernon library branch, the City of Vernon municipal offices, and other community and public sector organization offices, on Vernon’s main civic block in the downtown core. The project cost is estimated at $28,099,334.
Motion #9 02.21.07 Moved by Rick Fairbairn, seconded by Len Novakowski,
To receive the Report. Carried.

6.2. Vernon Branch Financing Memo – D. Nettleton
Mr. Nettleton discussed key issues to the project, including funding proportions, the Library’s initial commitment, negotiation of a mutually satisfactory partnership agreement, grants, and timelines. Mr. Nettleton’s memo included a possible payment schedule, outlining estimated debt servicing costs incurred at various borrowing levels relating to the Library’s financial capacity to fund the proposed branch under current budget plans.
Motion #10 02.21.07 Moved by Maria Sadegur, seconded by Lynn Miller,
To receive the memo. Carried.

Motion #11 02.21.07 Moved by Edward Minshull, seconded by Patrick Nicol,
That the Library Board advise the City of Vernon of their commitment to fund up to a maximum of $9 Million (nine million dollars) for the proposed 30,000 sq. ft. library branch on the Vernon Civic site in partnership with the City of Vernon, subject to commitment of funding by May 15, 2007 by the City of Vernon, or commitment to proceed with a financing approval process to complete before September 30, 2007, and subject to negotiation of a mutually satisfactory partnership and funding agreement by May 16, 2007. It is recognized that any grants received or any significant project modifications would result in reduction of the ORL funding level, and referenced within the Partnership Agreement.
Carried unanimously.

Minutes, Regular Board Meeting – November 15, 2006
5.1.2. Memo from L. Dieno, Progress Report on Partnership with City of Vernon. The Executive Director reported that MQN Architects will be hired to do more detailed planning and costing work, which is required for the City of Vernon and the Okanagan Regional Library partnership to submit a grant application to the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund. Since the deadline for grant applications is prior to the next Board meeting, the following motions were made:

Motion #13 11.15.06
Moved by Rick Fairbairn, seconded by Jack Bennest,
To receive the report. Carried.

Motion #14 11.15.06
Moved by Patrick Nichol, seconded by Bill Schwarz,
That the Okanagan Regional Library, in partnership with the Corporation of the City of Vernon, approve the intention to make application under the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) Category 6: Cultural, for the construction of a new civic building that will accommodate library space.

And Further,
That the Okanagan Regional Library Board approve partnering in the construction, ownership, and occupancy of a new local government/library building in Vernon, to be situated to the north of the current Vernon Branch, and south of Vernon City Hall. The Library would own and occupy approximately 30,000 square feet on the ground floor. Final project approval is subject to achieving satisfactory financing, agreement on a final partnership agreement, agreement on final building plans, and completion of construction prior to 2010.

And Further,
That the Okanagan Regional Library, in partnership with the Corporation of the City of Vernon, approve the intention to make application under any other suitable grant opportunities for the construction of a new civic building that will accommodate library space.
Carried unanimously.

Patrick Nichol reported that several Vernon council members are enthusiastic about moving forward with a future new Vernon Library building. Lesley Dieno advised that the current Partnership Agreement between the Library and the City of Vernon is administrative in nature, intended to take the parties through to the January 31, 2007 grant application deadline. A further revised Partnership Agreement will be presented at a subsequent Board Meeting.

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