Monday, September 24, 2007

Reports online for Public Input Meeting Today at 5:30. Find Out how the City Could accumulate $1/2 million dollars in a Fringe Load Variance Reserve !

The detailed variance reports explains the operating surplus of $1,516,135 and how it came about for 2006. Where it was temporary placed in reserves can be found at Page 14 of this report.(see excerpt below) These General reserve balances at end of 2006 of $15,736,381 ($11,419,146 in 2005) do not include the Statutory DCC's etc. The DCC Balanace at 2006 year end can be found on Page 11 of the Financial statements and sits at $12,660,771. ($10,467,222 in 2005)

Temporary resting place of $1,516,135 2006 operating Surplus:
Development excess revenue Reserve $533,000
Transit Expansion Reserve $200,000
Infrastructure Reserve $293,135
Fringe Load Variance Reserve $490,000

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