Saturday, September 01, 2007

Airport Financial Statements for 2006 produce surprise LOSS .

Don Quixote Historical update:
The accumulated deficit on Airport's books of $98,498 to 2005 year end and any loss or profit for 2006 affect the 2007 budget. When Amortization is backed out in the amount of $ 163,530 {$68314 (2004) and $95216 (2005)} the deficit of $98,498 becomes a surplus of $65,032 at 2005 year end. Combined with the 2006 profit at the same rate we would have about $100,000 towards 2007 surplus.
The Airport Capital Reserve of $113,333 at 2006 year end? (may be slightly lower as they stuck in some smaller items after original reconciliation?) Original reconciliation can be found at Airport Capital Reserve Reconciliation
Above is what I had written before a copy of the 2006 year end financial statements for the Airport Corporation became available. The 2006 LOSS after amortization is backed out in 2006 is $(40,143). The net loss before amortization was $(170,644) and amortization totaled $130,501.
This makes the final net surplus for the Airport Corporation to be only $24,889. (65,032-40,143 = $24,889).

This is the money
$24,889, that should have been transferred back into an Airport Holding Account on the City of Vernon's books for use in 2007. The Airport Capital Reserve of $113,333 less some small undeclared late adjustments also should be sitting in an Airport Reserve account for 2007 use.
Brief Analysis of Airport loss in 2006:
Year over year revenue increases by $58,000 ($11,000 increase in fuel sales and $45,000 in hangar and tie down leases and $1,400 in Air Pagent revenue.
Year over year expenses increased by $140,000. (Air Pagent expenses up by $1,800, Land Lease up by $26,000, Professional fees up by $27,000, and repairs & maintenance up by $70,000, Insurance up by $4,500.)
Amortization increased from $95,216 in 2005 to $130,501 in 2006, an increase of $35,000.
Summary of Airport Subsidy from 2004-Dec 31,2006
The total money transferred to the Airport Corp by the City of Vernon Taxpayers for Capital Expenditures from 2004 to Dec. 31, 2006 was $855,251.67 ( $857,451.67 -2,200 adj in 2006 to make correct audited transfer of $247,800 not $250,000 in original reconciliation.).
Total reconciled Capital expenditures of 629,296.82 have reduced the capital reserve down to about $ 111,133.10 (113,333,10 - 2200). (Interest revenue of $11,692 for 2005 and 2006 included.)

Yearly operating subsidy
for 2004 was $76,000, 2005 was $105,000 and 2006 was $105,049 making a grand total of $286,049.

The taxpayers have contributed $1,141,300.67 (855,251.67 + 286,049) and will expect to see a return of $136,022.10 (111,133.10 + 24,889).

Our total cost for the Airport is $1,005,278.57 for Jan 1 2004 to Dec. 31, 2006.

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