Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Council vote stalls Whitepoint resort

By NATALIE BANK Tuesday, September 25, 2007 Vernon Courier

A residential resort development at the former Paraiso Point campground will be at a standstill for nine months after city council voted to delay its progress Monday. Councillors voted 3-2 in favour of waiting until the Official Community Plan is finished next June to allow the project to move forward. Coun. Buffy Baumbrough said that‘s the responsible, practical solution for council right now. “For me the bottom line is council passed a resolution not to have any further OCP amendments until the OCP is completed and we made a commitment to that.” Whitepoint Development Ltd. proposed building a 100-unit residential resort which included an lakeshore amenities building for families at the campground site.

For president Craig Stowe, Monday‘s vote meant disappointing news. “I was quite surprised that after all the work city staff had done and nine months of work into that, they didn‘t allow it to go to public hearing.” Since last winter, city planning staff have been compiling information about the project, including letters of support and opposition. According to the city, 85 per cent of respondents were in favour of the land use change from tourist commercial to resort residential, but the city also received a 60-signature petition against the development. Coun. Patrick Nicol, acting mayor in Wayne Lippert‘s absence, said he supported the project going to a public hearing so both sides could have a say on the issue.“It‘s one of the fairest pieces of legislation we have. There‘s enough reasons both pro and con to go ahead with a public hearing.”

Nicol and Coun. Jack Gilroy voted against delaying the project‘s progress, while Baumbrough, Coun. Barry Beardsell and Coun. Juliette Cunningham voted in favour of waiting. Cunningham said from hillside regulations to wildlife and environmental considerations, there are too many variables not to wait for the OCP‘s completion. “There‘s been a lot of pressure put on us by a lot of people in the city (who) support this . . . but I‘m here to make sure the decisions made here are for the greater good of the community.” A handful of residents against the development were at the meeting. Kay Stamboulieh said her concerns range from the environment to the development going against several OCP principles. “I just think respect for the OCP is a key concept. We have had spot zoning and fast-tracking and that goes against smart growth principles,” she said, adding the delay is better than a green light. Stowe said he will re-evaluate if spending more time on an uncertain future opportunity is worth it. “If the city had said we‘re not looking at any developments over the next 18 months, then I certainly wouldn‘t have gone forward. I guess they should say Vernon is closed for business right now.”
Don Quixote Note:
Vote was actually 4-2 with Coun. Cochrane joining
Baumbrough, Coun. Barry Beardsell and Coun. Juliette Cunningham in favour of waiting

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