Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Council Yesterday ! Some interesting decisions and deferrals.

At yesterdays council meeting the 6 councillors with Mayor Lippert absent( 'working on behalf of the Citizens of Vernon' accompanied by the City Administrator Leon Gous off to grueling meetings at UBCM ) made some important decisions.

As reported at the posting Council vote stalls Whitepoint resort A residential resort development at the former Paraiso Point campground will be at a standstill for nine months after city council voted to delay its progress Monday. This 4-2 vote was a surprise as Coun. Cochrane joined with Baumbrough, Beardsell and Cunningham in deciding not to allow this development to go to Public Hearing. I had thought that this item had been put on the Agenda by mistake as a member of council was absent and had expected another 3-3 tie which would have left us waiting for another full council vote.

The other two decisions that were interesting were decisions to defer. The $60,000 grant to Hospice house was acceptable to all councillors but the method of how to achieve it at a minimum cost to the taxpayers was the reason for the deferral. It was stated that the City had received a legal opinion and that the City Administrator was in discussions with the Province on the method that could be put in place within the existing DCC bylaw to allow the City to waive these fees. This would allow the Hospice house etc to have the same benefit without using the taxpayers reserves to top up the DCC trust fund.

VERNON NATIVE HOUSING PROJECT of 40 units was also applying for DCC waiver or reduction. A full waiver or grant to pay these DCC's would have cost $400,000 and would almost exhaust the $550,000 presently sitting in the taxpayer funded Affordable Housing Reserve. Using the same rational as for the Hospice decision the council deferred this, pending the return of the august and sage advice of the City Administrator.

If this waiver of DCC's method is accepted by the City of Vernon and placed into their DCC Bylaw (if necessary) as a tool that CAN be used it will allow the Affordable Housing Reserve to be utilized for other important purposes. (Maybe a tax reduction? -tongue in cheek?- ).

Lake Country WAIVES DCC COSTS OF $215,136

If they can do it it should be no problem for Vernon and GVSC to use this tool in the future.

I hope City Council chooses to make this DCC bylaw change but also immediately start a Full DCC review so it can be in place at the same time (if not before) the New OCP. Recently GVSC introduced 30% increases to DCC's on Water and Parks. If even the much maligned GVSC recognize the need to do so then Vernon should also recognize the necessity.

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