Monday, September 03, 2007


My original request was for : The Revenue Agreement signed by the City of Penticton, Lake City Casinos, the BC Lottery Corp (BCLC) and the provincial Government in the summer of 2006 re the South Okanagan Centre.

Most of the history of this FOI request can be found at FOI Request (Freedom of information ) NEW UPDATE May 31

I finally received my FOI request from the Ministry of the Attorney General on Aug 16. It had had 2 schedules with severed information (missing figures etc). This was done under section 21 of the Act (harm to business interests of a third party) and I have 30 business days to appeal the decision to the Information and privacy Commissioner.

This 22 page report basically confirmed what I had first believed about the lack of Provincvial funding in this project. See Funding not what it seems and SLEIGHT OF HAND
posted last September/06.

One of the clauses (Clause D) of this agreement stated that 'the Proponent( Lake City) for good and valuable consideration received from the Host (City of Penticton) pursuant to a separate agreement between them, will limit its further DAC entitlements under the Original DAC Agreement - - - -'. Naturally this was key to this report and I have initiated a FOI with the City of Pentiction on Aug 20 by mail. (No response to date.)

I will also probably be appealing the redaction of the information in the last 2 schedules of the Report I received in next couple weeks so while I have got another few pieces to the Casino puzzle in B.C. I still would like to see a few more.

This agreement in Penticton set off ripples that have affected Casino relocations and expansions across B.C. and the effects continue to this day. One day soon the real story will be told.

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