Thursday, October 04, 2007

Changes to pawn bylaw in Kelowna. (Will Vernon have to change their bylaw?)

by Wayne Moore -Oct 4, 2007 CASTANET

Kelowna City Council has been forced to alter its pawnbroker and second hand dealer bylaw as a result of a court ruling. In July of this year, the BC Court of Appeal struck down a number of provisions in the New Westminster bylaw to collect, record and transmit information to the police. "There were two principal issues that came out of this decision," says City Inspection Services Manager, Ron Dickinson. "One is the collection of personal information and the other is on reporting that information." He says Kelowna's bylaw contains personal information recording and reporting requirements similar to the New Westminster bylaw. "Although it doesn't go as far in respect to the additional information that was problematic with the New Westminster bylaw."

The changes made to the Kelowna bylaw include:
  • Pawnbrokers are no longer required to record the birth date of the someone pawning an item.
  • The City no longer has the authority to remove records from a pawnbrokers location.
  • A pawnbroker will no longer be required to report it had no activity on a particular day.
  • A pawnbroker will no longer be required to report the pawning of metal materials.
  • The City cannot require a pawnbroker to supply personal information electronically.
Dickinson says a new bylaw regarding the pawning of metal materials may be forthcoming. "All of the municipalities in the Lower Mainland are taking steps similar to this and some of them are considering developing a bylaw that will enable the municipality to regulate and track that type of activity." He says City staff will monitor the results and may craft a similar bylaw. Dickinson says he doesn't know if the pawning of metal and copper wiring is a problem in Kelowna.

Above link is Vernon's bylaw which seems to have the same requirements for information recorded and transmitted to local RCMP

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