Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Council decision draws attack from museum

The Greater Vernon Museum is accusing the city of pulling the rug out from expansion plans. Museum officials had long hoped they would be part of a library/office complex, but they were left out of a design embraced by city council Thursday. “It seems like the museum is being left behind,” said Donna Hall, board chairman. “We will be very disappointed if this is the way the city is handling things.” Originally, the city had envisioned a new complex that would include the library. The museum had shown interest into expanding into the existing library space if if was vacant. However, the new building design incorporates the existing library space and it will not be available to the museum. That means the museum will have to make do with a facility that Hall describes as inadequate to meet the needs of the community and a growing collection of artifacts.

“Museums and history are the heart of every community,” she said, adding that they draw tourists. Hall says a lack of climate control impacts the integrity of artifacts and prevents travelling exhibits from being hosted, while a shortage of space means artifacts are piled up in storage. “We want to be a class A museum nationally and we can’t be that now with the current architecture.” The city has suggested the existing facility could be expanded to the rear as long as there is funding provided by the museum society. But Hall points out that the city owns the facility and the museum society is a non-profit group with limited resources. “Where will we get that kind of money,” she said. Coun. Jack Gilroy defends the city’s decision to not include the museum in current plans. “They weren’t even in the equation when we first discussed this project,” he said. “We can only go to the taxpayers for only so much money and we need a building for city hall.” He added that by incorporating the existing library into the new complex, costs are reduced. Gilroy is pushing for discussions between the city and the museum board. “We will look at options with them,” he said.

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