Tuesday, October 16, 2007

User-pay sewer on tap

By Jennifer Smith Morning Star Staff Oct 12 2007

Coldstream is considering flushing out its current sewer billing system and making everyone pay for what they put down the drain. Currently the district charges a flat sewer rate of $135 per quarter. But recent complaints about this system have prompted district staff to look into moving to a usage fee. “It’s asinine that one person in a house can pay the same as 10 persons,” said local resident John Hegler, who voiced his concerns, not for the first time, at Tuesday’s council meeting. “Everything today is based on a user-fee, your hydro, your water, the fuel in your car.” Such a system, where everyone pays for what they use, would likely provide relief on the sewer bills of single residents and couples. But for families, or homes where multiple people dwell, costs would likely go up.

Catherine Lord, director of financial administration, said the change wouldn’t be too onerous and would likely cost $4,000 to $5,000 to change programming. “It would take a bit of looking at but it’s certainly doable.” She suggests, if a change in billing is approved, the district stick with a flat rate for the first year and on resident bills provide estimates of what users would be paying based on a usage system. Coun. Doug Dirk raised concerns with how such a system currently works in Vernon. In the city, residents fees throughout the year are based on the first three months of usage. That creates problems as some people go away for the winter months and therefore get a better deal. Lord suggests a six-month period would be more appropriate for Coldstream, from October to March. She also says there should be a base rate for the first 25 cubic metres and a usage rate applied for every cubic metre after that.

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