Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Grant Monies to museums and heritage organizations

Oct. 30, 2007 Thirty-nine local museums and heritage organizations across the province will receive funding through BC150 Years Pride in Our Communities, a community-based program created to support local museums developing special exhibits and events to celebrate BC150 Years.





Barkerville Heritage Trust


A Barkerville guidebook that will direct visitors to the town and create revenue for the society.


Kamloops Art Gallery


Japanese-Canadian artist Isao Sanami-Morrill is featured in this exhibit that explores the changing landscape of southeastern B.C.


Kelowna Art Gallery Association


An exhibit featuring select pieces from the galleries permanent exhibition in celebration of their 30th anniversary.


Kelowna Museums Society


An interactive exhibit looking at the history of the Kelowna General Hospital, including medical equipment, practices, multicultural influences and design.


O’Keefe Ranch & Interior Heritage Society


Through photographs, artifacts and first hand accounts, a look at the Chinese community's contribution to the development of the ranching industry in B.C.


Revelstoke Museum & Archives Association


A retrospective on the Chinese community in Revelstoke and their important role in the construction of the CPR.


Salmon Arm Museum and Heritage Association

Salmon Arm

This exhibit looks at the first interior seed collection business, a unique partnership formed in 1927 between private enterprise and First Nations.


BC150 Years is a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Crown Colony of British Columbia in 1858. Every community in B.C. is invited to participate in this year-long celebration of B.C.’s cultural diversity, community strength and widespread achievement. For more information on this and other BC150 Years programs and events, please visit

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