Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Doomed for failure

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - October 31, 2007

I’m left wondering if there is anyone else Vernon city hall can alienate over the civic complex issue?First out of the gate were the 6,000 people who inked an alternate approval petition, blocking the city from borrowing $20 million for the proposed structure. The reasons for them doing so varied, but they ranged from being opposed to the process to not seeing the need for an expanded library.You’d think after that fiasco that city hall would try and create an atmosphere that brings together like-minded interests so the project is successful during the Jan. 26 referendum. Historically, the big tent approach worked when it came to the Performing Arts Centre, the Multiplex and the acquisition of green space in the community.

But, instead, this council has opted for a far different approach — one that has left two culturally significant organizations sitting on the sidelines.The Greater Vernon Museum has been completely shut out of the design for the new civic complex, while the Vernon Public Art Gallery has only been offered about half of the space it requires to meet current and long-term needs within the community.Sean Harvey was a lot of things, but at least he and his council saw the potential if our cultural agencies were allowed to expand. This current council first squashed those dreams by walking away from the cultural centre on the Coldstream Hotel site, and now it has added insult to injury, by ignoring them when it comes to the proposed civic complex.

It certainly isn’t politically astute as the city prepares to go to the polls to ask residents to support the borrowing of $20 million or $30 million for the project.My experience is those residents involved in the cultural scene are very passionate about their cause and their support runs deep throughout the community. They can be easily motivated to rally behind something they believe will benefit both the arts and the public.But that passion can work against anyone who gets in their way, and that is already evident as the art gallery is unwilling to ask the Greater Vernon Services Committee — its primary funder — to provide financial resources for the proposed civic complex.For a council that promised to be responsive to the community, the civic complex issue has become a nightmare. Fulfilling commitments to Okanagan Regional Library for larger library space is great, but all of that is increasingly threatened because of the lack of direction coming out of city hall.And while I support expanded library services, I am starting to question the methodology to get there. Instead of having a single branch downtown that the rest of the community has to drive to, wouldn’t it make sense to have one or two smaller outlets in high growth areas so residents can walk to them (such as occurs in Kelowna)? Wouldn’t that fit more into the Smart Growth concept embraced by the current council?

At this point and time, all of the stars are aligned against the referendum being successful Jan. 26. And it deserves to be based on the lack of planning and the shortage of foresight.I’m loathe to use the Titanic analogy, but it’s unavoidable. If Captain Lippert and the rest of his crew are unable to reverse thrusters, collision with the iceberg, or public furor in this case, is inevitable.

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